Welcome, Fellow Gnerds!

A gnerd [pronounced, "NER-dh"] is a noun.
It is used to name someone who both reads Asimov and can fix a computer virus.

We know every line from Dr. Horrible and the subplots
and backplots of Who.

We lurk around bookshelves.

We listen to Josh Groban and Chameleon Circuit.

We are every Judith, Max and Russell.

We congregate conventions.

We are the next generation.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blogger made me mad today.

    Today, I asked Blogger for a new question for my profile. It asked, "Why does the color blue mean raspberry-flavored?" I am angry because the question did not specify that I needed to answer in 400 characters or less. This was my original answer: 

    BACKGROUND: the blue raspberry, or rupus leucodermis, is native to western North America. The word "raspberry" has cultivated itself into our society in many different ways; 
    PROOF: I.E. picking raspberries, raspberry lemonade, the phrase "blowing raspberries," and the aptly named power pop band of the 1970's, The Raspberries.
    EXPLANATION: When we are out picking raspberries, out fingers get berry juice all over them and they stain. No matter how hard you try to wash it out, it only fades to a semi-blueish color. Raspberry-Lemonade is something of a new treat, used to coax young children into believing that, no, lemonade is not that terribly bad, which will only reinforce the idea that lemons are good, which will make them want to eat lemons, which will make them cry, and as Disney has taught us well, water is blue. "Blowing Raspberries" is an expression used mostly by overzealous parent for the action they commit by pressing their mouths to their baby's bare belly, and blowing. Hard. Hard enough to cause minimal bruising not big enough to be seen by the untrained, or new parent, eye? Yes. And as all of us ever in a Fight Club with Edward Norton know, bruises are blue in color. The Raspberries, the power pop band from the 1970s, will make your squint so hard that you'll start to hear the color blue. 
    ALSO: Raspberries originated on the planet, Pandora. The natives on Pandora would be the Avatars. They are blue. Suffice it to say, they weren't born that way. 
    SO: We can hereby deduce that by adding ChuckPalahniuk andJames Cameron, multiplied by bears[carry the children] minus Native American divided by Earth Wind and Fire, we get death.
    ANSWER: Asphyxiation. Asphyxiation is a form of death that spawned the expression, "blue-in-the-face." So, connecting the two together, eating raspberries will asphyxiate you, hence the warning color blue on any advertisement box.
    EXCEPTION: If you are a Sontaran, it will enable you to speak Ood, and as that whole situation is sketchy at best, it is advised you stay away from them. Raspberries, that is.

    Thats a great answer, is it not? So imagine my surprise when my computer very politely but firmly stated that it wouldn't accept it. I grew enraged, but my little screen didn't even tremble. It simply stated again, politely but firmly, that I needed to shorten my answer. Normally, I would have fought a bit harder on this one, but I just let it go, and did indeed shorten my answer, to the simplified The blue raspberry, or rupus leucodermis, is native to western North America. The word "raspberry" has cultivated itself into our society in many different ways; I.E. picking raspberries, raspberry lemonade, "blowing raspberries," and the aptly named power pop band of the 1970's, The Raspberries. For more information, press 5.

    Today Is: Buddha Day and One Day Without Shoes Day
    Word of the Day: "potent"
    Lesson Learned:
        Murphy's Law cannot be confined to any specific time or space. Like oxygen and atoms, it just exists.

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